recipe: cacao protein bliss balls


5 tbs of Protein Powder: A vital macronutrient for post exercise as well as everyday health.

Note: protein powder is based off brands which contains 10g per tablespoon.

1 tbs of Maca Powder: Supportive nutrient for hormone balance but also added flavour.

3tbs of cacao powder: A source of serotonin to support mood and promote a healthy stress response

1 & 1/2cups of oats: a whole-food source of carbohydrates, fibre and protein

Handful of seeds: these can be a combination of linseeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds (etc); all a good source of healthy fats and a variety of micronutrients

2 medjool dates: your natural sweetener

1 tbs of psyllium husk: a good source of added fibre and supports bowel motility.


  1. Boil kettle and pour water over dates to soften (approx 1 cup)

  2. Add all dry ingredients to a large bowl (oats, seeds, cacao & maca powder, psyllium husk)

  3. Break up dates and pop into the bowl, and pour the hot water into the mix (date juice)

  4. Using your hands, mix together all the ingredients till it creates a dough mix consistency. Add more water as required if mix is too dry (small amounts at a time)

  5. Begin rolling the balls : golf ball sized (make 5-6) or smaller (make 10-12).

    Store in your fridge and they should last up to a week.

  6. ENJOY …… best eaten mindfully.


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